Software Softer

Antonio Mugica
Co-founder and Chairman / President / CEO SGO Smartmatic
Co-founder of Bizta Corporation
, formerly Software Softer

Principal leader in the negotiations with the Venezuelan Government, responsible for the implementation of the SAES system in conjunction with the National Electoral Council.
Its corporate structure is based in London through multiple shareholdings.

Antonio Mugica Sesma (Father)
Co-Founder & Director of Smartmatic and Bizta Corporation formerly Software Softer

Alfredo Anzola
Co-founder and Vice Chairman / Vice President /
President of Bizta Corporation
formerly Software Softer

Smartmatic’s partner was one of the architects of the SBC consortium, a strategic alliance between Smartmatic, Bitza Corporation and Venezuela’s telephone provider, CANTV, to manage the technological platform for the elections in Venezuela.

On April 28, 2008, the plane where he was traveling to the island of Curacao crashed within minutes of takeoff.

Eduardo Correia
CTO Bizta Corporation formerly Software Softer / Chairman of the Board Smartmatic Cibernetica C.O.E for Internet Voting / CTO Smartmatic

Leader of the SAES, SAES-1800+, SAES-A3 and HAAT solution development team and managing partner of the companies associated with the corporation.

Omar Montilla
FONCREI President – (Venezuelan Government Investment Fund), Shareholder and Director of Bizta Corporation formerly Software Softer

Shareholder and director of Bizta Corporation, development company in conjunction with Smartmatic of the SAES election software used in all Venezuelan elections under the supervision of the corporation.