Pro Document Solutions
Jack Blaine
President, Smartmatic
Sequoia president and CEO
President of Smartmatic, Chief Executive Officer and a director of Sequoia Voting Systems Inc.; previously a director for International Sales at Dominion Voting Systems Corporation.
Jack Blaine held multiple positions within Sequoia, Smartmatic, SVS Holdings, and Dominion Voting Systems. In his affidavit of March 21, 2014, he stated that “For all practical purposes, the only company other than Sequoia with which SVS had any significant involvement was Smartmatic.” Maintained business relationships with its former owner.
Jack Blaine, in his March 21, 2014 affidavit, explained that due to the bad financial situation they had to make the decision to sell two of their most valuable assets, one of which was Pro Document Solutions.
Pro Document Solutions is currently an operating division of ProVoting Solutions, a provider of ballot printing for all companies that hold elections in the United States.