About Us

About Us

We are an anonymous group of computer engineers, software developers, electronic voting systems experts, political campaign veterans, attorneys, corruption and fraud investigators, transnational organized crime investigators, former law enforcement, and former career intelligence and counterintelligence practitioners in the service of the United States of America.

We believe that certain foreign electronic voting companies have waged lawfare through the American court system to silence and destroy critics, and to discourage others from coming forward. We believe they have attacked our First Amendment by forcing major settlements on news organizations that raised questions about their activities running our elections.

So for now, we cannot come forward for the record.

We are releasing this timeline in October, 2024, close to the presidential election, and too late for it to be used to influence the vote. We want all voters and election officials to be careful.

We created this site for these simple reasons:

  • To ask questions about the threat of malign foreign influence on voting systems across America;
  • To help voters ask informed questions about the integrity and security of the electronic voting systems they use;
  • To help local and state election officials ask questions about the complicated threats they face;
  • To help citizens ask the questions to hold federal officials accountable for failing to protect our democracy by overlooking this threat, which has been known for years; and
  • To help all Americans ask questions and think critically to arrive at answers so we can defeat this threat once and for all.

Contact us

If you want to contribute with public and relevant information, contact us.
[email protected]