All electronic voting systems are hackable, computer security expert and white-hat hacker Harri Hursti says. Hursti then hacks into a Diebold optical scan voting machine in a live podcast.
“What is your level of faith in the accuracy of the machines that we currently use?” host Patrick Bet-David asks.
“Every single independent study where we have had access to voting machines, a hundred precent of the voting machines have been hacked,” Hursti says. “Every computer in the world can be hacked when you have access and no mitigation.”
“Unhackable doesn’t exist. Instead of saying trust but verify, you should have a zero trust approach. Never trust and always verify.”
“Once you get access to the system, you can change anything as you want,” says Hursti
“This is not a technological program. This is a political and legal problem,” he says, because authorities have not created and enforced security standards.
“We have to expose the problems so we can develop a mitigation strategy.”
Reckless allegations and conspiracy theories don’t help people to understand the problem or figure out a mitigation strategy, Hursti says.
He attended MyPillow entrepreneur Mike Lindell’s three-day cyber symposium in August, 2021, to view what Lindell called proof of 2020 election fraud – a massive hacking operation from China. Hursti went with CNN’s Donny O’Sullivan to discover “pile of nothing.” He said he “found no proof of election fraud.”
Hursti says in this podcast that “Even before that, Mike Lindell’s claim [of] what he had were fundamentally impossible. That kind of data he claimed to have doesn’t exist, and no government even has the capability of gathering that information … So even before coming there, I knew there would be nothing. … That was an absolute nothing.”
1. Why do election officials tend to trust and not verify the integrity of electronic voting systems?
2. Harri Hursti again says, “Once you get access to the system, you can change anything you want.” Why does the US intelligence community assess publicly that foreign regimes are not taking advantage of those known vulnerabilities to manipulate the elections?
3. Hursti says, “This is not a technological program. This is a political and legal problem.” How would one assess this in the context of the American political and legal systems?
4. Hursti takes a transparent, crowdsourced approach to finding problems and solving them: “We have to expose the problems so we can develop a mitigation strategy.” What are the upsides and downsides of this approach in the interests of American citizen voters?
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