Venezuela’s electoral strategist is elected deputy to the National Assembly to occupy the position of President of the Legislative Power.

A formula that is infallible for the Venezuelan regime, is how he continues to advance in the line of succession, where his sister is the Vice President of the Republic.

Photo | El Comercio | Fausto Torrealba
El exministro Jorge Rodríguez asumió este martes la presidencia de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela con el apoyo de la bancada chavista


1. What does it mean for the man who provided the seed money to Smartmatic’s software developer, and gave Smartmatic opaque contracts to launch it as an international company, to become the visible force behind Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro?

2. Do Jorge Rodriguez, his sister Delsy, or other regime figures have any investment or silent partner relationship with Smartmatic or its executives?

3. Would such investments or interests subject Smartmatic to U.S. sanctions?