With Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mugica calling for a global “tranformation” of voting, Smartmatic Chairman Mark Malloch-Brown cites President Barack Obama and the World Economic Forum in advocating for a transition from physically voting at polling stations and mail-in ballots, to purely digital or “online voting.”
The British socialist Labour Party member was a member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum.
Malloch-Brown praises a British a report advocating “safe” and “secure” online voting. According to a Smartmatic statement:
“Mark Malloch-Brown, Chairman of Smartmatic, said ‘The future of democracy is digital. We need to act now to modernise how people vote and participate. Technology can play a vital role in increasing voter turnout, especially among young people. With such a significant percentage of the UK electorate already voting remotely by post, online voting offers a logical progression and an opportunity to eliminate the many problems associated with postal voting‘.
“Malloch-Brown added: ‘From discussions at the World Economic Forum last week to President Obama’s drive to modernise voting in the US, business and world leaders are embracing the power of technology to transform services, lifestyles and living standards – elections should not be left behind‘.
“Antonio Mugica, CEO of Smartmatic added ‘Technology is making the dialogue between citizens and governments more dynamic. And this interaction is only going to get better and stronger as technology evolves. Smartmatic is providing tools to enable this transformation.‘” (Emphasis added)
1. www.smartmatic.com/smartmatic-welcomes-new-report-recommending-online-voting
1. Why does Malloch-Brown only cite American Democrats and globalist transnational authorities to fortify his argument for Internet voting?
2. How do his arguments show an ideological agenda behind electronic and online voting?
3. How does his global approach diminish the sovereignty of people and nations?
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