Mark Malloch-Brown, who describes himself as “the chairman of Smartmatic,” deplores low voter participation in the UK and argues that “the future of democracy must be digital.”
“As the chairman of Smartmatic, I have seen how electronic voting technology can improve democracy for citizens and governments in all countries,” Malloch-Brown says in City AM.
While the article is written in the first person, it appears under a City AM writer’s byline. Smartmatic says on its corporate website that Malloch-Brown penned the piece.
“… Mark Malloch-Brown, Smartmatic’s Chairman, considers that the UK should embark on a nationwide debate to discuss digital democracy and the need to update its voting system,” Smartmatic says on its website.
“In his article entitled ‘The future of democracy must be digital: Our voting system needs to be modernised with electronic voting‘ and published in City A.M on October 28, 2015, Malloch-Brown wonders why, when it comes to elections, technology adoption in the UK is lagging far behind ‘when an overwhelming majority have adopted technology to make everyday tasks so much easier’. Members of the [House of] Lords discussed draft regulations on electoral registration and asylum support on Tuesday 27 October.”
1. Smartmatic-chairman-advocates-for-election-modernisation-in-the-uk
Article which Smartmatic attributes to Mark Malloch-Brown, but contains someone else’s byline:
1. Back in the UK, Malloch-Brown is promoting the digitization of British democracy as he does with American democracy. How does this undermine the sovereignty of each country?
2. Does Malloch-Brown appear to be promoting the obsolescence of paper ballots and going to the polls to vote, and replacing traditional voting in advanced democracies with electronic voting systems, and to move toward 100 percent Internet voting?
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