Huawei presents a strategic threat to American telecommunications and other critical infrastructure, and the company failed to cooperate with congressional investigators to assess allegations and concerns about the Chinese telecom equipment giant, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence states in a bipartisan report.
Although it does not mention the threat to American electronic voting systems, the report says “the U.S. government must pay particular attention to products produced by companies with ties to regimes that present the highest and most advanced espionage threats to the U.S., such as China.”
“A sophisticated nation-state actor like China has the motivation to tamper with the
global telecommunications supply chain, with the United States being a significant
priority. The ability to deny service or disrupt global systems allows a foreign entity the opportunity to exert pressure or control over critical infrastructure on which the country is dependent. The capacity to maliciously modify or steal information from government and corporate entities provides China access to expensive and time-consuming research and development that advances China’s economic place in the world. Access to U.S. telecommunications infrastructure also allows China to engage in undetected espionage against the United States government and private sector interests“.
“China’s military and intelligence services, recognizing the technological superiority of the U.S. military, are actively searching for asymmetrical advantages that could be exploited in any future conflict with the United States”.
“Inserting malicious hardware or software implants into Chinese-manufactured telecommunications components and systems headed for U.S. customers could allow Beijing to shut down or degrade critical national security systems in a time of crisis or war. Malicious implants in the components of critical infrastructure, such as power grids or financial networks, would also be a tremendous weapon in
China’s arsenal.”
1. Why did House Intelligence panel’s report not mention the possible strategic threats within the American electoral system, considering that the electronic voting machines may contain components manufactured in China or technology suppliers and warehousing related to China?
2. Has the origin of the components of the electronic voting machines used in the U.S. electoral system been verified? Are any of them manufactured or linked to Huawei or other Chinese suppliers?
3. Was the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence aware of the existence of a WikiLeaks cable where the Smartmatic CEO tells US Ambassador in Caracas, William Brownfield that most of the electoral and electronic machinery was made in China? Did it question Smartmatic CEO or the US Ambassador about this?
4. Was the House of Intelligence panel aware at the time about the concerns raised by Congresswoman Maloney and the CFIUS investigation whose concerns were about ownership by the Venezuelan regime that was allied with Russia, Iran, and China?
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