The congresswoman who first called on CFIUS to probe the Smartmatic purchase of Sequoia calls for the Treasury Department-led, 12-agency panel to make its findings public.
A Democratic Congrasswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) says that “making public the results of the CFIUS investigation would boost public confidence in the government’s awareness of the American voting system.”
“Let’s face it, after all of the glitches and disturbing stories we see each Election Day, electronic voting has become synonymous with anxiety and uncertainty,” says Maloney in a news release. “The best way our government can reassure the American people that it has total awareness and control of our voting machines is to publicize the steps it is taking to ensure the integrity of our voting system.
“The Smartmatic purchase of Sequoia may well get a clean bill of health, and for the integrity of recent elections, I hope it does. There are many possible outcomes, from an approval to a presidentially-mandated divestiture to a mitigation agreement addressing certain issues.” (Emphasis added)

1. Is there any reason not to make the CFIUS investigation findings public?
2. If there were “many possible outcomes” to mitigating the Smartmatic purchase of Sequoia, why did Smartmatic divest itself of the profitable American company and lose its U.S. market share?
3. Why did CFIUS never release the final report of this investigation?
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